Information / Budget of LIBECCIO 6,5 CLASSIC

We will advise you both in the choice of your boat, whether new or used, and in all aspects related to the maintenance of the same.

OR CALL AL 972 31 49 00
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-2
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-5
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-8
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-9
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-10
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-3
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-4
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-6
Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classisc-7



The Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classic boat is the essence of the classic Gozzo tradition.
Enjoy a traditional navigation with the tiller steering.
This boat, with a 60 HP YANMAR engine, reaches a speed of 15 knots.
Buying this llaut of 6,30 meters long and approved for 6 people, you will enjoy its double sundeck at the bow and stern with comfortable mats. Under the bow sundeck there is a huge stowage compartment with easy access by a ladder. In the stern area you will enjoy an aperitif at the table or you can bathe comfortably accessing the sea through the wide bathing platform where the shower and a ladder are located.
Ampurianautic offers us, within its wide range of boats for sale, the Cantieri Mimi Libeccio 6.5 Classic model, a stylish Italian Gozzo.


Total length: 6.8 m
Length of approval: 6,30 M
Sleeve: 2,2 m
Motorization: Diesel Eje Max. 80 HP
Fuel tank: 80 L
Information / Budget of LIBECCIO 6,5 CLASSIC

We will advise you both in the choice of your boat, whether new or used, and in all aspects related to the maintenance of the same.

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